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To produce a report of loan activity within a specified date range. Operating Instructions Beginning Date Select from the calendar the first date to be included in the report. Ending Date Select from the calendar the final date to be included on the report. Loan # The screen will default to include all loans, but may be narrowed by selecting from the drop-down or manually entering a different “from” and “to” loan number. If a slash (/) is entered in the company name, when printing reports and narrowing down by loan number which loans are to be included, you must select from the drop down rather than typing the loan number. Sort Options Selections allow sorting the report by loan number or alphabetically. Report Type Detail will include each activity posted within the selected date range, with loan totals. Summary will list only the loan totals for activity posted within the selected date range. Include Notes If you have selected “Detail”, you may then put a checkmark here to include any notes recorded with loan activity. Page Break Between Loans Enter a checkmark if you wish each loan to be on a separate page. Include Address Enter a checkmark if you wish to include each loan’s address. Include All Activity Types All activity types will automatically be included in your report unless you remove the checkmark and then select either Repayments, Disbursements, or Escrows. Selection Criteria Options for narrowing selection criteria include: Funds County City Status Loan Officer Loan Type Borrower The following instructions relate to limiting the search to specific Funds, and the same instructions apply to each of the potential criteria above. If you do not wish to include all loans, click on the Funds tab. All existing funds will be displayed for your selection. To select a fund, move the cursor to the fund to be included and click – it will then be highlighted, indicating loans with that fund are to be included on the report. If you wish to include more funds, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the additional fund to be included. If you select a fund by mistake, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the fund again – the highlighting will disappear, indicating it no longer is to be included in the selection criteria. Continue this process until you have narrowed the search to include only those loans you wish to review. Things You Should Know When a date range is entered, the programming will review all loan activity in the database, identify those with an activity date that falls in the specified range, and include those activities on the report along with any additional loan costs entered. If you do not have loan activity entered for the period selected, you will not receive a report even if additional loan costs exist. |