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To provide calculations necessary to determine an accurate amount required, as of a specified date, to repay the loan principal and accrued interest in full. Operating Instructions From the GMS-RLSS Main Menu, select Features, Loan Payoff. Loan Number Select the appropriate loan from the combo box or enter manually. Payoff Date Select from the calendar the proposed date payment in full is expected. Other Fee 1 An optional field used to enter the description of any additional fees required to settle the account in full (ex: repossession fees). Other Fee 1 Amount Enter the amount of the fee associated with Other Fee 1. Other Fee 2 An optional field used to enter the description of any additional fees required to settle the account in full. Other Fee 2 Amount Enter the amount of the fee associated with Other Fee 2. Other Fee 3 An optional field used to enter the description of any additional fees required to settle the account in full. Other Fee 3 Amount Enter the amount of the fee associated with Other Fee 3. Optional Message Enter any text you would like to be included on the document. Exclude Additional Loan Costs Checking this box will prevent any amounts entered in the Additional Loan Costs screen from printing and being added to the Total Due. Interpreting the Report In addition to the date, loan number, lender’s and borrower’s name and address, the following information is listed: Projected Pay-off Date As entered previously. Last Activity Date The date of the last recorded activity. Last Paid-thru Date The “new paid-thru” date as listed on the most recently recorded loan activity. Maturity Date As entered into the Loan Master file. Days to Pay-off The number of days between the “Last Activity Date” and the “Pay-off Date”. Annual Interest Rate As entered into the Loan Master file. Daily Interest Rate The annual rate divided by either 360 or 365 days (as entered into the Loan Master file). Daily Interest Amount Loan balance multiplied by the Daily Interest Rate. Principal Balance The loan balance as of the date the report is produced. Past Due Accrued Any outstanding accrued interest as recorded through Loan Interest Activity. Additional Accrued Interest that has accrued between the “Last Activity Date” and the Interest “Pay-off Date”. Late Fees Based on the “Next Payment Due Date” of the last recorded activity and the amount within the late fee field in the Loan Master file. Additional Costs If a balance remains in Additional Loan Costs, it will be added into the Total Due, unless Exclude Additional Loan Costs has been checked. Total Due The sum of “Principal Required”, “Past Due Accrued Interest”, "Additional Accrued Interest”, "Additional Loan Costs"(unless box is checked to exclude), and “Late Fees". Things You Should Know