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To produce printable reports and/or statements indicating payment is late as an aide in delinquency collections. Operating Instructions From the GMS-RLSS Main Menu, select Features, Late Notices Late Payment Notice tab Search for loans late by __ days Enter the number of days a loan should be late to be included in the search criteria. Any loan late, when compared to the Next Payment Due Date, by the number of days entered or a greater number of days will be included in the notices. As of This field will automatically default to “today’s date”. Use the calendar if you wish to select an alternate date. Notice Date This field will automatically default to “today’s date”. Use the calendar if you wish to select an alternate date. Optional Message If an entry is made into this field, it will be included as the final line on the notice. An example of how this optional field could be used would be “Annual Meeting scheduled for April 30th – please try to attend.” Include Disclaimer Message Placing a checkmark here will cause any messages entered on the Setup Disclaimer tab to print on the Notice based upon number of days late corresponding to the message entered. Select Status to be included Use the combo box to narrow the search to specific status(s). Selecting from the combo box is accomplished by clicking on the appropriate status. Additional statuses may be selected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the desired status. This same process is used to remove a status from the selection. Select Funding Source Use the combo box to narrow the search to specific funding source(s). Selecting from the combo box is accomplished by clicking on the appropriate funding source. Additional funding sources may be selected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the desired codes. This same process is used to remove a funding source from the selection. Select Loan Officer Use the combo box to narrow the search to specific loan officer(s). Selecting from the combo box is accomplished by clicking on the appropriate loan officer. Additional loan officers may be selected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the desired codes. This same process is used to remove a loan officer from the selection. Select Loan Sort Options Select the desired sort, either alphabetically or by loan number. Include Remittance Form Placing a checkmark here will cause a cut-off returnable coupon to print at the bottom of the Late Payment Notice. Set Up Disclaimer tab Up to five different date ranges with varying messages may be entered here to automatically print, based on number of days late, on the Late Payment Notice if the Include Disclaimer Message option is checked on the Late Payment Notice tab. Only the first 255 characters of each message will print on the notice. Days From Enter beginning range. For example, if you wish the message to print on the notice for any loans that are 31 - 60 days late, enter 31 here. Days To Enter ending range. For example, if you wish the message to print on the notice for any loans that are 31 - 60 days late, enter 60 here. Message Enter the message that you wish to have printed if the number of days late for the loan falls within the days from and to range. Only the first 255 characters of each message will print on the notice. Special Icons You must select this icon to print the report before you may Print Notices. Prints report for your review based on criteria entered, which includes: Loan number Borrower # of Days Late Loan Balance Amount Past Due Applicable Late Fees Contact Name Phone Number Email Address Print Notices Prints Late Notices based on criteria entered. You must first Print report before Notices will print. Interpreting the Report The printed notice includes the notice date (as entered), the loan number and borrower’s name and address, along with your agency’s name and address. The content will include the date the first missed payment was due. Also listed is the loan balance, amount past due, late fees (if applicable), and the total due. Any text entered into “optional message” will be printed as the last line of the content. Things You Should Know